harry meghan astrology predictions 2021

More news. On the surface, at first glance I thought the motivation for this interview was about revenge on the Royal Family for her perceived mistreatment. and will that mean the Royal Family loose this struggle (or fight) that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton joined? Thank you. In the same week that various astrological charts for Oprah, Meghan, Harry and the Clevr company were all triggered, we also saw more triggers. Also unsure about your claim that Prince William and Kate Middleton married on Hitlers wedding date. Yet the majority of readers here are with you; they were, and are, strongly against what was broadcast. Or he will stay trapped by the alternative firm of Megans creation? When this transit ends, it will be in about five years time 2026. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 's relationship progressed much more quickly than that of Prince William's courtship of his wife, Kate Middleton. Later on, though, that date will become significant. I know that kindergarten in Pimlico, as I used to stay a few streets away, whenever I visited London. He has such a tough life. The question is, will Meghan and Harrys accusations of alleged racism hurt the monarchys role with Commonwealth countries? And its the story that most of Meghans American fans, like President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, apparently seem to be missing. Thanks Angelina. Not immediately but closer to Meghans birthday. Thank you for this information, Liz. But only for a brief moment. He and Meghan currently reside in California. I have seen quite a few people repeating what you say why has a family matter, not been solved within the family? One is for Oprah Winfrey and one is for Clevr. Rescue chickens? If they really want to unite USA, they need to tackle trump very quickly and has to be one of priority. We really need to look at the CIA, FBI and the Epstein-Maxwell story. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. What will Meghans reception be like when / if she returns to visit the UK. That will be elephant in the room. It is also Bill Clintons Sun sign. And lets hope that Her Majesty can find the strength to continue, even though she must have feared this was coming too. Will their relationship still be okay after what Meghan said about Kate? Charles,had nothing to give to his sad ,sad boys.Its heartbreaking. As someone who works in the entertainment industry, I have heard how Meghan Markle had her eye on Harry for a while. I saw the footage of the black cabs lined up, in respect, almost to the gates of Buckingham Palace and that more than anything, has moved so many people. We now have a 130-way conversation about the Winfrey show, from all over the world. Thanks Patrick. Quite honestly, those scripts for The Crown write themselves, dont they? And yes, she was always politically minded, even when very young. She said that she felt loneliness while she was in WH but she maintained to push back spotlights as she was there to serve to public, while the interviewer were obviously trying to lead the conversation towards political issues. I believe that Harry is desperate to protect his family and Meghan in a way he never could his mother. Thank you so much, Caroline. Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton obviously knew Diana best as she confided in them, of course. Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry stand on a balcony to watch a Royal Air . Tiger. I dont think anyone would deny an actress becomes an actress, because she wants the spotlight. Thats really interesting to see in The Vancouver Sun. Please do predictions Megan vs Trump for president 2024I cannot believe this article just same day when Prince Philip returns home Princess Diana's astrologer once made a spookily accurate prediction about Prince Harry and Meghan. For as much as you wish privacy for people who have survived mental health issues, its very hard to offer it, when the person in question has chosen to face the world, on every television channel, in every nation. World War 3 & Putin Predictions. I had my tongue in my cheek when I wrote that prediction about Oprah Winfrey. Thank you for your fascinating read. Why has it been overlooked by British press, that M.Markle was using and is using a surrogate? Yes, there is a classic Neptune delusion at the moment. Incredible Jessica. And honestly, I thought its not a top news on CNN. Its seemed even for a double Pisces so hard to get a fix on what was true, authentic and evolved and what was purely presentation and why Appreciate your insights. Diana was also a 19 year old ingenue when she became engaged, not a 35 year old media-savvy wordly-wise Hollywood actress and that made me think, is Meghan playing the role of Diana? George, Charlotte and Louis 9 Charlotte, Louis and George. William looks like Diana. In New York, in Hobart (where I am) and everywhere. It really did not sound as though he was just talking about media intrusion. The couple shared an instant connection, according to Harry. The three wise men, who were astrologers. I think with all the suffering and heartache around the world right now, the timing of all of this maybe a welcome distraction to some and an avenue to obsess and use to direct their frustrations, but for me I feel its all been done in bad taste. For example, if Meghan was undergoing trauma to the extent she describes, why was Harry unable to help her? Archie is currently the Earl of Dunbarton but will eventually inherit the dukedom, just as the Earl of Wessex will inherit a dukedom. This is an International Young Royal for a Global Duet. I also think the timing with Prince Phillip in hospital is a curious issue he has been quoted as making very racists comments in the past (just Google them) Is the timing of the Oprah interview when he is in hospital some kind of revenge for this? PRINCESS Diana has said from beyond the grave that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have "turbulent" times ahead in their marriage, according to two psychics. I intuitively feel that if the money runs out they could become more dangerous, as selling salacious revelations and more damaging recollections could be the most lucrative path offered to them. I know a lot of professional astrologers and psychics will be reading this story, as Ive had so many questions on Twitter. Maxwell is British. And Oprah Winfrey will become centre stage in a very different way to her usual TV role.. Im very glad they did. Is it? She happens to fall in love with a true Prince and then not only is forced to end her career and life as she build it. Many believe that Harry is Not Charles son. I know for sure we will never find out what happened the night Epstein died; and I doubt we will find out much more either. We have to judge facts in the end, not words CBS. The Scotland Astrology Chart to 2030 Back in 2018 I made some astrology predictions for Scotland, which you may remember reading. The footage, perhaps, where the pair talk about Prince Andrew and the Epstein-Maxwell story. There are tremendous questions about values with Meghan and Harry. And I had an overwhelming feeling watching MM, that she is reacting to, or re-acting out if you will, wounds and karma via a bad scenario from a much older, ancient royal family dynamic. If Meghan really was suffering as she claims, perhaps she should be thankful of her luxury. Prince Harry and Meghan. I watched the interview twice, it was very one sided, it did not cover the unhappiness Megan must have suffered from her own family, her father and her half siblings. I have actually had arguments with friends and family as they didnt understand why I just couldnt like her. Speaking to OK! And this one also has her North Node in Leo, so she is moving away from being a commoner (South Node in Aquarius) towards being regal. I think the reason for Biden supporting her is because she has already shown significant democratic political capital urging people to vote in 2020. And now he has children with her (Im sure they will be used as pawns in all of this in years to come), he will never be fully shot of Markles controlling tentacles, so to speak. To use racism and mental health to attack the Royal Family is despicable. But personally I have watched many Leos play very bad ego card obviously giving it some other colour. It must be exhausting for Harry to marry, then carry. Thank you for your thoughts. It surfaced again during this television show. Im not surprised that Meghan would like to be like her or her. Meghan, Harry and Oprah are rich and powerful enough to organise scheduling on CBS when they choose. I think the Brits mostly see through her, unless you happen to be a Guardian journalist and have fallen for the performance of a D list actress. "When I first saw them getting together, I saw Sarah Ferguson, over the top of Meghan, and I knew that Sarah didn't fit in . This is another interesting comment on the Commonwealth Commemorations. Since Pluto will stay in this position for much of 2020, there are further far-reaching. And there is certainly some substance for this assertion. Im surprised that it is happening even in NYC. The mutation D614G being a bit of a mouthful became shortened to Doug and anything without this mutation was labelled Douglas (I assume that is Doug-less) What really helps in such situations is to forget everything else except absolute, historic facts. Everyone is missing the elephant in the room which is Ghislaine Maxwell. Every medium I know felt irrational anger at the wedding. Of course I cant verify that, but there is certainly a lot of chatter about it. Hmmmm. Epstein was American. TRUTH also seems to be a strong trigger here. Right after their first date, she returned her engagement ring to the then husband, by Fedex! Let me check this allegation. The phrase is follow the money and when you have a really big Taurus story in these charts, that is always what must be done. People are dying, people are losing their incomes, many people are trying to deal with mental health issues with no help whatsoever (my son included) and yet with all this going on we put our attention on Meghan and Harrys woes. Lurid press accounts of the time, stated that she wore a figure of a blackamoor with ill intent. Hes not seen his grandson Archie, he says. Many of you agreed. Thanks again for all your work. Why go to air and create a crisis when Prince Philip is in hospital with a heart condition? Were all asleep. The Winfrey show was broadcast with a racist accusation against the House of Windsor, when the Duke of Edinburgh, in the final years of his life, was admitted to hospital for heart surgery with William in attendance and Her Majesty the Queen in crisis. As you read on this website here way back on December 16th, 2017, Meghan Markle is a Leo, but she has a strong Taurus chart signature, which is always about money. The whole thing makes me feel strangely sea sick! I feel terribly sad about the Duke of Edinburgh in particular, and that he should be put at risk like this during his longest ever stay in hospital. If she did she would have played by the rules and also had a royal life. In general, her chart, when combined with Harrys, is about money and property right now. Just a quick comment on Princess Michaels broach. Meghan, Oprah, Harry and CBS could have put this to air any time. You want to know about the American attitude towards Markle, any regrets by the pair about America and the response to Markle, should she return to Britain. By. It wasnt an accident! The timing of the Harry, Meghan and Oprah show is worth looking at. There will be a deep change by January 2022. The suggestion that we are going to see more from the Winfrey show of course makes millions wonder if the next episode will cover Diana, Princess of Wales and the tragedy in France. We all have the right to question! HOWEVER, Harrys actions could be explained, in part, by a belief that Dianas death was not an accident. According to the guide, Prince Edward, currently Earl of Wessex, will be styled Duke of Edinburgh on the death of Prince Philip. Almost as if the Queens birthday also had to be about ME-ME-ME-Meghan and her accessories. Prince Harry and Meghan 2021 is a 5 Universal Year, which brings healing for our fifth or throat chakras (truth and freedom). They announced they would be splitting their joint charity with William and Kate on 19th June 2019, Royal Procession Day. Shes a beautiful woman. It turns out, it isnt. Is it less harmful than if it was during the start or middle rather than the fading part of the cycle? Everyone has a personal opinion in the world right now. Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. Get the inside story below . A bizarre version of something that not even we could guess at behind the scenes. (Or the elephant in that garden). Its awful, because they really cannot get the help they need. and the royals etc, will ever be made known to the general public; and (b) will the fallout from this interview change Britains constitution for ever? Eclipses blot out; they conceal. I have seen coming up repeatedly, that Meghan had been married twice before Harry, the first being ended by annulment. Advertisement. She would stake out at Soho House London till she ran into himeven made her way into the exact same charitable causes her worked on in the same geographical areas..and later pretended to have never heard of the royal family. The comments on Oprah Winfrey Ive not seen before. The amazing Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton, occasional guest tutors at The Sun Sign School and friends of mine, have made some strong astrology forecasts about Meghan and Harry. A woman who accurately predicted 12 events in 2022 claims this year "Harry and Meghan will have a third baby", "Zayn and Gigi Hadid will get back together" and "Kayne will risk jail time".Hannah Carroll, 20, blew people's minds when she accurately predicted a new album for Harry Styles and Beyonce, a baby each for Rhianna and Nick Jonas and the death of Her Majesty the Queen in 2022.She cast . We are not perfect, but we are definitely NOT what they have portrayed. The accuracy of your predictions is incredible. Cheeky chappie Harrys rudeness and breach of protocol at an official Royal event hadnt gone unnoticed though as both William and Kate just blanked him. I am no fan of the royal family and do believe they treated Diana appallingly. I share the same view as many other readers on this column. Did Meghan consult a psychic? I remember reading all of your predictions at the tome and this follow up after tell all is very interesting. James Bond was not a joke!, see todays Daily Telegraph He is the real-life spy master who oversaw British intelligence at the height of the 2017 terror attacks and the Salisbury poisoning a year later. I find it very interesting that shes not commented on Meghan Markle but Biden, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have. Okay, so we have to look at what shes actually done judging actions. So interesting. A lot of my readers are natural psychics, even though they are not professional psychics, and perhaps you are tapping into your intuition. Why would you not pick up the telephone and ask for help, from those professionals? He actually looks nothing like James Hewitt, apart from his (Spencer) colouring, and looks much more like Charles than William does. Youre not the first person to ask if Meghan Markle, who is obviously a trained actress, is playing the role of Diana, Princess of Wales. But thank you for your comment. It really helps to come back to the historic facts. A number of readers have talked about narcissists and narcissism as a psychological condition. If the pair wanted an apology from the unnamed family member who made the alleged comment about the new babys skin colour, presumably they only had to ask Her Majesty to order it. The American side of the story has been in the charts forever, and in fact I remember filing a story on the Leo eclipses (Leo rules royalty) and hidden plots and plans, some years ago. We have a lot of astrology informaton including Prince Harry Astrology 2021 data. You are the first person to raise the question of Dianas passing in Paris and the ongoing questions about the car crash. It is strange and I cant help but think theres something else and Harry and Meghan is used. Four years ago now. I was bemused by Meghans claim that there was nobody to help her with mental health issues when both William and Harry have been so involved with mental health charities. That is quite a lot of information about Meghan Markle Ive not seen anywhere else. This is really interesting. In fact you cant separate them. What we absolutely know to be true. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Thank you. The Dukedom of Sussex will simply become the 25th in a long list of non royal dukedoms in the UK. I agree with you about The Portland Hospital. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius is completing a cycle in Meghans Seventh House of marriage this includes her first husband as well as Harry. Did you know, that Prince William and Kate chose Hilters Weddingdate as their perfect fit? All this drama with this couple does makes a lot more sense if Harrys recently confirmed hes Hewitts son. By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name. psychic hannah carroll predicts prince harry and meghan markle have third baby in 2023 goes viral, . And of course the questions were very much about the House of Windsor, who cannot answer back, and not about the Markle family, who have written books (even). I have just attended a family funeral where formal procedures are automatically observed in relation to entry and seating arrangements ie bereaved family members first followed by extended family, close friends and then neighbours. We can thank the Leo eclipses for that. Debbie Frank believes Leo Meghan has made Virgo Harry, her servant, as she tells The Sun. Well, it would be if it wasnt so desperately sad. Yes, well see the media interview people about her behaviour and go on the public record. If so, they could seek assistance for how to respond to her better, e.g., not give her fuel and the attention she craves. I tried to see her as others did, a great hope and a barrier breaker, but all I saw was lies. Simone is the second of Dianas psychic mediums Ive had the pleasure of talking to, over the years (Rita Rogers being the other), and shes always proven herself to be an accurate and rock-solid reliable intuitive. Its a worrying time for the firm and how will THEY come out of this? Its never going to happen. James Hewitt has wide apart brown eyes and a weak chin, nothing like Harry at all. If you ran that company, you would be vigilant then. One of these mediums has her own radio show and is very good, and the other has had close contact with the House of Windsor in the past. And of course, the issue of depression which would likely best have been treated by the professionals at the hospital where the baby was born and they took such great care of the family if not the other experts who serve the House of Windsor and are presumably a telephone call away. The bigger picture is Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell. What was Harry doing? Blue, grey and orange may bring . It goes into The Special Relationship between America and Britain, and its tied to Maxwell, Epstein, Clinton, Trump and Prince Andrew. For as much as Her Majesty is a traditionalist, the divorces (and also the new arrival of wives who will not follow orders) suggest the 21st century monarchy can no longer pretend its the 1950s. The Royal Family is a royal farce. The wend wont be pretty and Harry is in danger. Cryptocurrency, the onset of the global financial crisis of 2021 will go hand-in-hand with an absurd increase in the value of Bitcoin, that will reach as much as $50,000 per single bitcoin! I was very disappointed with the press release put out by the queen as i felt she shouldve been more tougher toward M&H. It was really on that level, but without bloodshed. I think a lot of people had that automatic reaction, didnt they. The headline you read here four years ago was The New War of the Rose The Male Windsors and you might remember it from a long piece about the Leo eclipses and the cover-ups involving Buckingham Palace. RIP Prince Philip. We should voice that all royal families are also humans!!! Hope youre well regardless of what you hear and see. Wondering whether MMs chart at the time showed relevant stressful transits? Astrology analyst Debby Frank has set out to predict how many prominent members of the Royal Family are due to feel this year following a rough 2020. It is all very strange and bizarre, the timing and the connection to Prince Andrew and Epstein a part of me wonders if they are deliberately keeping the media on themselves to keep it off the royals and especially Andrew in the interview, Meghan said that she said to the establishment use me as you need to. Sorry, its me again! Hi Jessica, something else I just thought of: the timing generally. Here is Oprah Winfrey recently promoting Clevr, the American drink company Meghan Markle bought shares in. Your previous explanation on the taurus streak in Meghans chart showing a deep desire for lucre in comparison with the Queens taurus sun which expresses genuine charity was fascinating we are now seeing the lucrative deals you mentioned in action. You and Piers Morgan were right, the interview should have been phosponed for a later date. BUY ME A COFFEE. The operating condition of the driver was listed as "Unknown.". In fact, the only member of the House of Windsor that Meghan resembles is Princess Margaret. Thanks to astrologers Kate Silas and Olga Morales and psychic Tara Buffington. Im not sure Harry knows this but Meghan will run for office within the next 10 years. Meghan has always been political. I found that Meghan used to consult with a psychic and given she is following what Diana was like, I think she has astrologers and psychics closed to them. In about five years from now, there will be a tremendous shift between the Prince and his wife, and between the pair, and the world. That is something else I need to research thank you. This would be why they have plans to relocate again. Your thoughtfulness reminded us of who & what is really important. You people should wake the heck up and drop your monarchy when the Queen passes. I believe Meghans naivety is an issue but also her casual girl next door delivery of very toxic facts is really quite strange and disingenuous for me. Princess Diana's astrologer, Debbie Frank, recently shared her predictions for the royal couple. Either way, yes, we could imagine that would appeal to Harry, who went through the trauma of losing his mother as a child. Born: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. Thank you for this article. Born: September 15, 1984 at 4.20 p.m. Paddington, London. Thank you for your comments on the astrology. When do you think they might lose their titles? Harry gets his colouring from the Spencer side of the family. 2021 THE FUTURE . In terms of timing and lack of empathy, these are classic narcissistic /borderline personality behaviors. I do not believe for a second that she knew nothing of Harry or the royals. As a student of life have to say this is not looking good and the road ahead is definitely not smooth. Thanks to all of you for bringing it to my attention. Like many people this subject has been on my mind and a topic of conversation in our household since that bombshell interview. Hi Jessica, Yes, we are in the same cycle as the 1930s; the abdication. Its pass time for you all to grow up and take charge of yourselves, you dont need a fake Royal Family those Germans. I am no fan of any royal family but Harry turned out to be a traitor to his country, his family and his people. Legendary astrologer Nostradamus has predicted that the Royal family will be finished once the Queen dies. Dear Jessica Prince William has inherited his mothers eyes. She is almost setting up an alternate competing Royal household (and yes future American President/Vice-President tilt). Will she continue to be involved with M&H ? I dont know about that. Feel free to ask me about Harry, Meghan and Oprah. You can see the video here; fast-forward to the end of the program. I wouldnt watch Suits. It is unfortunately not going to be quiet over the next two years, because transit Uranus conjoins his IC and Moon in 2021 and 2022, suggesting perhaps he will move again in this period, or that there is an even more radical break with his home country. Here is a link to a prediction I made about the royal finances (which is what this is all about) at The Conscious Cafe months ago look to the final few minutes, if you are curious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv5n-2HItAc. There is a deeply riveting video on youtube of Meghan and Harrys Oprah interview in which some of the worlds leading body language experts analyse them both. Harry needs help. On a practical note, with the mental health issue, which is seriously very concerning, I find it strange that she received no help from the gynaecological team at The Portland Hospital. In February 2019 Jessica Adams shared her extraordinary insight that a virus would "disrupt the world" in 2020, and even mentioned the date the first victim died in Wuhan - January 10. I also agree with you; this is desperately sad. How do you feel about Meghan and Harrys decision to go public with their allegations at a time when Prince Philip was in hospital following a heart condition emergency? So good for her abd good for Harry, because he has a few thoughts about the yellow press as well. That seems like an odd imbalance. Can it be explained in Meghans birthchart or is it a result of her life experiences? Harry and Meghan met in July 2016 when they were set up on a blind date, per Insider. This follows the predictions you read here at the time of their wedding, that there would be major questions about the couples finances. Meghan will be tempted to sign a lucrative book deal to write her autobiography. If only she could tap into her subconscious mind she would know it is her more than 70% of the time who has upset the cart. A royal family news expert is serving up a shocking prediction, claiming that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are headed for divorce court. Perhaps I was picking up both, years into the future. Temi Oyeyola. Having looked at Archies horoscope again, I now think he will be forced to go between Great Britain (where his family is) and other countries along with his sister. Yet they focused on the Royal Family for lots of things. Go MM and Harry and Oprah!! Whaaaaaat?? I so appreciate your commonsense approach to all the gossip and speculation. Kate Jackson from The Sun UK has said: I would say, looking at Twitter, that the younger people are, or the more anti-Monarchy they are anyway, the more likely they are to have accepted Meghan and Harrys story without questioning it. I watched Michelle Obamas interview and I felt relief as she focused on family rather than political issues. If he does not go back in 2021, which seems very unlikely, he could go back in 19 years. The chart locks into several national horoscopes, for a start, in The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, 2004). Both these mediums have told me that they are feeling Dianas anger. We are in the era of Aquarius, and they represent everything that Aquarius is NOT. Its Prince Philips hospital stay that has drawn more comments than anything else on my Twitter account. There are members of his family that are going to be very upset with him about this and I think it will especially hurt the queen. Its financial issues in a few years, which will decide make or break and Meghan will either line up huge charity work with Prince Harry or take him to the cleaners. I initially liked and was charmed by Meghan but now also feel that something is off. There are rumors that Meghan was an escort years ago. As with any good mystery or detective story, you ask why. In middle and later life she also became involved with charitable causes she cared about deeply such as AIDS and Landmines where she changed peoples opinions and brought about change in a way few other people could have. This is quite unprecedented for a couple to create a kind of branding or trademark using their title if those reports are correct. There will be no Sussex Royal Socks. (Meghan and Harry were even attempting to trademark Sussex Royal at the time, allegedly, according to some media for socks if you can believe that!). Im not changing anything about this feature. In the same story, I wrote about Bill Clinton and also Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita. Another event that seems assured for 2021: Harry and Meghan's UK return, where they face the possibility of a frosty reception. My question to you is, will Meghan get what she deserves? This story, these people seems almost Fiction. Such a sad twist in the tale that this interview ever happened. Then again, Shakespeare also wrote about monarchs. A mans life is more important than money, surely. But given the information and headlines still bouncing around I really wanted to be informed first hand before making an opinion.

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harry meghan astrology predictions 2021

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harry meghan astrology predictions 2021